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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Hydro-Québec – Poste Bélanger

Siemens Canada Ltd awarded DCM the mandate to install a 315KV sub-station for a Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS).



Industry sector


Hydro-Québec – Poste Bélanger

In order to better meet electricity needs, particularly in the east of Montreal, Hydro-Quebec is replacing existing facilities. Siemens Canada Limited hired DCM to install a 315KV sub-station for a Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) using SF6 gas. Siemens Canada Limited supplied the equipment to be installed and the necessary material (supports, gateways, wiring, panels and grounding) to accomplish the mandate.

The project began with the delivery of over 250 wooden crates from overseas containing many parts and
materials. Most of the crates were delivered to the Port of Montreal by ship, after which they were
transported to the Bélanger Station. Each crate was placed in a specific area and was numbered to efficiently track work. Opened one at a time, all the parts were inspected before proceeding with assembly and installation.

Learn more about SF6 gas


The electric power industry has been using Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas as a dielectric and insulating material for many years. It is nontoxic, nonflammable and noncorrosive. SF6 molecules minimize contact wear and maintenance and they have excellent thermal conductivity, which allows for lower operating temperatures. Common electrical applications include high voltage circuit breakers and transformers, distribution voltage switchgear, gas insulated power substations and transmission lines, and more.

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